Fortress of the Kurds

Crac des Chevaliers, (Arabic: Hisn al Akrad) literally means "Castle of the Kurds"

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Crac des Chevaliers "Kürdlerin Kalesi"

Kürdlerin Kalesi, 2006'da UNESCO Dünya Kültürel Mirası Listesi'ne dahil edilmişti.

Kürdler tarihte bir çok kaleye sahipti.







Kürdlerin tarihte vücuda getirdikleri bütün eserler islam'ın içinde KAYBOLDU. Sonra da SALTANAT İSLAMI kürdlerin dilini ve hatta varlığını bile inkar etti. Oysa kürdler neredeyse bütün islam coğrafyasının edebi, kültürel, sanatsal ve mimari eserlerine imza attı.












Krak des Chevaliers, also Crac des Chevaliers, is a Crusader castle in part of Kurdistan which is occupied by Syria and one of the most important preserved medieval castles in the world. The site was first inhabited in the 11th century by a settlement of Kurds; as a result it was known as Hisn al Akrad, meaning the "Castle of the Kurds". In 1142 it was given by Raymond II, Count of Tripoli, to the Knights Hospitaller. It remained in their possession until it fell in 1271. It became known as Crac de l'Ospital; the name Krak des Chevaliers was coined in the 19th century.















Krak des Chevaliers, also Crac des Chevaliers, is a Crusader castle in part of Kurdistan which is occupied by Syria and one of the most important preserved medieval castles in the world. The site was first inhabited in the 11th century by a settlement of Kurds; as a result it was known as Hisn al Akrad, meaning the "Castle of the Kurds". In 1142 it was given by Raymond II, Count of Tripoli, to the Knights Hospitaller. It remained in their possession until it fell in 1271. It became known as Crac de l'Ospital; the name Krak des Chevaliers was coined in the 19th century.





David Fraser, 1909















































































Crac des Chevaliers "Kürdlerin Kalesi" Humus/Talkalah

Kürdlerin Kalesi, 2006'da UNESCO Dünya Kültürel Mirası Listesi'ne dahil edilmişti.

Kürdler tarihte bir çok kaleye sahipti.


















Fortress of the Kurds. Photo Vartan Dérounian 1953




















Jean Baptiste Bourguignon, 1697, London











Crac des Chevaliers "Kürtlerin Kalesi" Humus/Talkalah 1890



















HISN AL AKRAD - Wikipedia











Foundation For Kurdish Library & Museum